Heard an awesome story today about God speaking to a friend through a particular verse. Jeremiah 29:11 was used several times over a few days when she was presented with an opportunity to do something she had never considered doing. We all listened to her story of "coincidences" with nodding heads and smiles! What a cool "God thing!" He is so good to communicate with us by His words and give us total peace when we make decisions that acknowledge His will in our lives. When I prayed for a door to open to make this trip possible for me this year, and God answered - immediately and fully - I was taken aback at first. I thought, "Really? You want me to do this? For real?" And then thrilled, elated, that He obviously did want me to do it and had intervened to make it possible. I laughed out loud in that mome

nt, all alone like a crazy woman in my minivan. He made Himself obvious to me for a beautiful, crystalline moment. I don't always feel it. I question, I wonder...are you there, do you hear? He is. He does. As I said earlier, I am hungry for, greedy for, utterly addicted to that sense of recognition. It's not always a happy addiction, though, because as I know more, He allows me to see more. As I see more, He allows me to feel more, and that is not always where I want to go. There is so much pain, heartache, unfairness and evil in the world - can I look at it? Do I want to?
Our awesome team leader gave us this verse to meditate upon at our last Kenya meeting.
What a wonderful God we have -- he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us. You can be sure that the more we undergo sufferings for Christ, the more he will shower us with his comfort and encouragement.