We spent the morning at the Crest Academy and at Blessed Kids nursery school. We played with the little ones, sat in on upper level classes on Bible, English, math and Kaswahili. Then we accompanied the children to their fields to play. The English teacher told me it was good for the kids to get out and play so that they could return to their studies with "vigor." The teachers and Headmistress all kicked off their shoes and played ball and jumped rope with the girls while the boys played football/soccer. As we walked back to school, I asked the teacher if she would now be able to return to her classroom and teach with "vigor." :) At the preschool Harriet was blessed to "run into" her sponsored child's grandfather on the street in Molo, a city of 60,000 people!
Next, our team members were in for the sweet treat of a reunion with four Mt. Bethel international interns living in Kenya. We were able to eat lunch together at the House of Hope and catch up with what God has been doing in their lives.
The afternoon brought us 190 children, many of whom Gaylyn saw running to church, to attend vacation bible school. Grace shared the Gospel, we sang and made sun visors together. Next we handed out bibles to 40 students in 7th grade and up. What a joy to inscribe their names into their own bibles and pray over each one by name. We then served porridge, bananas and buttered bread to everyone in attendance, including several mommies with their babies in tow. Too soon, much too soon, it was time to say goodbye and send the children back to their homes. Mackenzie, who had done a toothbrush drive at her school, was able to give every child a new toothbrush on their way out. We hugged and cried and exchanged promises to pray for each other with the adults at the church who had helped and as many kids as we could grab hold of. Pastor Frances' wife, Grace, taught us to say God Bless You in Kaswahili and we tried to say it to every sweet face as they left us. We were exuberant as we went back into the church to clean up. A few kids hung around, Parker played the keyboard and Grace led us in song while everyone sang, hugged, danced and took pictures. We hated to leave.
Gaylyn led us in an incredible worship service in the retreat center's chapel after dinner. As Grace sang and played guitar we prayed for each other aloud and poured out our praise and thanksgiving for one another to God. It was a sweet time with our Jesus. This morning, Carey led us in communion with the Jesus' redemption of Peter, when He asked Peter "do you love me? Then feed my sheep." Carey reminded us that Christ always offers us a way back, even as we deny him, and He asks us to care for his children.
Pray today...
For the health of our team members...
For the strength and courage to bring this experience home in our hearts and continue to "feed his lambs" in whatever way He calls us to do For safe and " on time " travels back to the U.S. We are so anxious to see you again and hold you in our arms! Thank you, thank you for holding us up in prayer these past 10 days.
Pray today...
For the health of our team members...
For the strength and courage to bring this experience home in our hearts and continue to "feed his lambs" in whatever way He calls us to do For safe and " on time " travels back to the U.S. We are so anxious to see you again and hold you in our arms! Thank you, thank you for holding us up in prayer these past 10 days.
Kenya team 2011
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