Thursday, August 25, 2011
It struck me...I might have said the same thing not so long ago, but the more I get to know God, the bigger He gets and the smaller I become. It has become a topic of conversation lately in our house...why we go to church. (I read that the tween years are all about the "why." Man, I thought that was all done when she was 3!)
I think I know why NOT. The "why" is I can see my I can wear my new I can be entertained by the worship I can complain about how x, y or z should be.
The why is to worship Him. To know Him. To serve Him. To learn how He loves so that we can love others.
It's all about me? That seems to be a common illness in our society, but one that is easily remedied. Just ponder, for a moment, the awesomeness of our God, and then say it again. Out loud. It just sounds silly.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Read my blog post about my experience in Kenya.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
We spent the morning at the Crest Academy and at Blessed Kids nursery school. We played with the little ones, sat in on upper level classes on Bible, English, math and Kaswahili. Then we accompanied the children to their fields to play. The English teacher told me it was good for the kids to get out and play so that they could return to their studies with "vigor." The teachers and Headmistress all kicked off their shoes and played ball and jumped rope with the girls while the boys played football/soccer. As we walked back to school, I asked the teacher if she would now be able to return to her classroom and teach with "vigor." :) At the preschool Harriet was blessed to "run into" her sponsored child's grandfather on the street in Molo, a city of 60,000 people!
Pray today...
For the health of our team members...
For the strength and courage to bring this experience home in our hearts and continue to "feed his lambs" in whatever way He calls us to do For safe and " on time " travels back to the U.S. We are so anxious to see you again and hold you in our arms! Thank you, thank you for holding us up in prayer these past 10 days.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Getting my Goat
Greetings from the Ukarima conference center in Molo, Kenya. We are gathered in front of a crackling fire after a delicious dinner, enjoying Grace's beautiful rendition of Blessed Be Your Name on the guitar. We are weary but blessed by what God did today. We started the day at the Crest school, where our House of Hope children attend school. It was such a pleasure to see them, grades preschool through 4th, pouring out of the school, looking so "smart" in their brown uniforms, ties and sweaters. We walked what we southerners call "a fur piece" to their P.E. Field, which doubled as a large cattle pasture. We played games, kicked around the football, and jumped rope.
Please pray today.....
For continued health and strength and a renewal of our energies tonight For a day of deep connection and love between us and the Molo children tomorrow For every child in Project 82 in Kenya to be sponsored so that they may have food and an education For the House of Hope...that every child there may experience the love of God and a family. For the strength and courage of the women who are choosing to mother the motherless.
Good night,
Kenya Team 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hello! How are you???
Yesterday was a great day in Kwambekenya! Ben and Carey started the day at the KEG church finishing the pastor training. The rest of the group made our way to the school, where we were swarmed by the kids. After shaking innumerable hands and many "hello, how are yous?" we joined the nursery school kids, ages 3 and 4, for their porridge break in the grass. We sang Head, shoulders, knees and toes and Jesus Loves Me (much to our anti-singer Ryan's chagrin), and we painted their precious hands and made handprints and wrote "God made me. He knows my name." Then it was time for bubbles and Swahili lessons. They giggled uproariously at our pronunciation of their words. If you ever want to feel like a celebrity, come to a Kenyan school to blow bubbles.
Oh, and we saw an elephant!! Big day, big day.
Please pray today....
For safe travels to Molo
For a sweet reunion with the rest of our team For our continued health & strength
And please go ahead and start praying for our flights on Saturday night and especially for the one on Sunday morning, where we have to make a very tight connection in Amsterdam.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Abiding with Him in Kenya!
Pray that the pastors would receive all that they need and want from Carey and Ben today.
Pray for our health and strength that we may carry out God's precious will in Kwambekenya today.
Pray for a sweet time of fellowship as we say goodbye to friends both old and new.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Sunday in Kenya!
Pray for team Gaylyn in Segera tonight.
Kenya Team 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Greetings from Kenya!
We then traveled to the Kangemi slum and the Facodep children's home. We saw another team of missionaries working there, who were from Tennessee. Naturally they were painting the walls UT orange and white, which is offensive no matter where you are in the world...Just kidding...(Go Gators!) We visited their rooms and school room and saw their little garden where they were growing kale, spinach, avocado and bananas. We met young Joy, who told us with a broad smile that she wants to become a doctor. In the school room, the children taught us to make magazine beads which they string together to make lovely necklaces to sell. They also sang with us, and when we ran out of things to sing, we sang Christmas carols. After Kangemi, we made our way to the Panorama Hotel, where we passed the exquisite Rift Valley. Tonight we were blessed by a wonderful dinner and a time of sharing our stories from the day. Grace led us in worship with her amazing voice and guitar. Tomorrow is church at Kwambekenya.
Thank you for your prayers that God would show us and lead us - they were answered.
Continue to pray for us - that we would be the hands and feet of Christ in Kenya.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Shake Well Before Opening
One of my favorite songs greeted us this morning:
We stand and lift up our hands
for the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The joy of the Lord is our strength...that's so good. ;-)
Packing is nearly complete, and everything fits neatly into two vacuum bags, two large ziploc bags (one contains an entire pharmacy and the other is filled with snacks) and YES, I think there is still room left over for my beloved pillow. I used to think people were weird when they dragged their pillow with them on trips, but in my old age I see the value of good sleep and a non-cricked neck. On the hunt tomorrow for one more pair of cargo pants and some closed-toe shoes that will go with any outfit I throw at them.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I Do Love to See a Plan Come Together

In any case, if you have it on your heart to join us in this endeavor, one goat costs about $15o. We are raising donations to take with us from anyone who would like to become part-owner in a goat. Hey, it's not Mucho Macho Man, but it's still a pretty cool deal. Contact me if you want in.
Thank you for the book recommendations, the drugs-needed-to-fly recommendations, the things you've loaned me, the prayers you've prayed and the inquiries you've made about this trip. I covet your prayers today for my family, especially my girls and the grandparents who will be caring for them in my absence. It's a long separation, but I know God's got them.
Friday, May 13, 2011
After our
I take great comfort from Philippians 1:6, where Paul said, “There has never been any doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.” I also love Paul’s words in Romans 7: “For I know the law but still can’t keep it, and if the power of sin within me keeps sabotaging my best intentions, I obviously need help! I realize that I don’t have what it takes! I can will it, but I can’t do it. I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. It happens so regularly that it’s predictable.” Can’t you just hear his frustration and bewilderment? And by the way, this is great
He also says, “The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does help me. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.”
After my initial grumpiness arriving home the other night, I submitted to lying down with my daughter although it was 10 p.m., and we were both exhausted. As I cradled her in my arms and stroked her hair, I hummed along to her music CD, which was playing a guitar instrumental version of Amazing Grace, one of only two songs I ever learned to sing to them at bedtime. God spoke to me with the gentle reproof that I was incredibly fortunate to experience such a moment with my girl, who is healthy, vibrant and desires my presence. My heart broke for mothers who, on that night, did not have peace of mind about their child’s health and future or who were longing to simply hold a child who is no longer with them.
My daughter only needed 15 minutes of my time, and she was settled and ready to sleep.
It happens so regularly that it’s predictable. Indeed.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
People to Love
We got to give our own child some good gifts tonight, it being her 10th birthday and all. And it's true...every smile, every cry of delight delighted her parents as well. And if we sinful people know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our Heavenly Father give to us if we ask Him?
Matthew 7:11
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
How He Speaks to Us

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Yes, Virginia, it is far

God has actually stilled my heart quite a bit on this issue. I think He has some kind of cool trick where He covers our eyes and protects our thoughts from dwelling on worrisome things we can't change.
So, if you are praying for me, I ask for continued covering of eyes and the courage to keep walking forward. Also, if you feel so inclined, please send me a book recommendation that I can download into my ipod. Don't send me a classic literature recommendation that I should have read in college, or will make me look smart on the plane. Send me the ONE book that you absolutely had to devour in one sitting, the one that you stayed up until 4 in the morning to finish, the one that engrossed your mind and heart to such an extent that you forgot you were on an airplane for hours and hours. And hours. That's the one.
The Decision
I am excited to go. What will happen when I go? Who knows? But I'm going.
I am just flat out greedy for God's presence. When He works all around, and sometimes, if I'm very lucky, through (or in spite of) me...there is just nothing more thrilling to see and experience.